Sunday, 10 August 2008

A busy few weeks

Got a call from a BBC producer asking if I'd be prepared to comment on Harriet Harman's proposals to change the law to allow women to kill men in cold blood - my words not his - and its something of a condensation of the issues.

I said I would need to know more. He sent links with background to the story. I read them with interest and mounting horror. This was yet another attempt at male-bashing. Suffice to say I called him back and agreed to go on the air.

The other guest was the head of a woman's charity. She stated on air that she welcomed the proposals. We were on the air for about half an hour. She used up quite a bit of time repeating ad-nauseum the usual unfounded data that most/the majority of domestic abuse is perpetrated on women by men. This is untrue and I said so. You can listen to the interview by clicking here

Also appeared that week on the Liz Green Show on BBC Radio Leeds - I think it was either the fourth or fifth time I have been invited to comment on these types of issue.

Saturday's Daily Telegraph ran a small piece on why girls should be taught feminism at school. No suggestions were put forward to educate boys along similar lines.

I mention this because I also received an email from a friend who pointed out a news story on the BBC website about how the police are being 'over-stretched' because of a sharp increase in violence by young women. A female academic tried to downplay the story by saying that the incidence of violence by women was so rare, this was the only reason it had become 'newsworthy'. Yet, according to the Youth Justice Board there were ONLY (!!) 59,000 cases of violent women in 2006.

In the next few years, these women will be looking for husbands.